Votes for Jared


Washington Senate District


John Adams, Montpelier

Ann Aspell, Montpelier

Marsha Bancroft, Orange

Chelsea Bardot Lewis, Waterbury

Brenda Bean, Berlin

Mary Alice Bisbee, Montpelier

Wendelyn Bolles, Berlin

Andy Boutin, Montpelier

Enrique Bueno, Middlesex

Sandal Cate, East Montpelier

Julia Chafets, Marshfield

Ela Chapin, East Montpelier

Allen Clark, Plainfield

Jarred Cobb, Montpelier

Glen Coburn Hutcheson, Montpelier

Andrea Cohen, Montpelier

Caitlin Corkins, Barre City

Catherine Coteus, Worcester

Elizabeth Courtney, Montpelier

Richard Cowart, Calais

Catherine Crawley, Stowe

Kelly Cueman Sargent, Montpelier

State Representative Kari Dolan, Waitsfield

Marianne Donahue Perchlik, Marshfield

Christine Donovan, Stowe

Ben Doyle, Montpelier

Natasha Eckart Baning, Worcester

Paul Eley, East Montpelier

Stephen Finner, Barre City

David Frank, Moretown

Phil Gentile, Berlin

Patricia Giavara, East Montpelier

Sue Gilmore, Montpelier

Rita Gluck, Marshfield

Steve Gold, Montpelier

Lisa Gosselin Lynn, Stowe

Lars Hasselblad Torres, Montpelier

Mayor Jake Hemmerick, Barre City

Barbarina Heyerdahl, Montpelier

Anne Jameson, Marshfield


Juliana Jennings, Montpelier

Ryan Kane, Montpelier

Kristina Kane, Montpelier

Stephanie Lahar, Montpelier

Dillon LaViale, Stowe

Tom Leahey, Montpelier

Cathleen Maine, Montpelier

Jim Malloy, East Montpelier

Christine McGowan, Stowe

David Mears, Northfield

Marc Mihaly, Calais

Phil Morse, Berlin

Johanna Nichols, Montpelier

Tino O'Brien, Montpelier

Former State Senator Scudder Parker, Middlesex

Caitlin Patterson, RN, Montpelier

Alice Peal, Waitsfield

Elizabeth Peebles, Barre City

State Senator Andrew Perchlik, Marshfield

Chris Riddell, Barre City

Cara Robechek, Montpelier

Adam Sargent, Montpelier

Ginny Sassaman, Calais

Leigh Seddon, Montpelier

Angela Shea, Montpelier

Michael Sherman, Montpelier

John Snell, Montpelier

Kate Stephenson, Montpelier

Former State Representative Chip Stone, Montpelier

Susan Sussman, Middlesex

Peter Thoms, Montpelier

Peter Walke, Montpelier

City Councilor Teddy Waszazak, Barre City

Scott Weathers, Stowe

Carolyn Wesley, Montpelier

Abby White, Montpelier

Patrick Wood, Middlesex

Would you like to add your name to this list?


"Jared knows the challenges working Vermonters face, and has the vision and intelligence to make life better for us all as we build a healthy, safe, and just future for this and future generations."

Scudder Parker, former State Senator, Middlesex


Endorsements From Outside the Washington Senate District

Bill McKibben, Ripton, VT

State Representative Tiff Bluemle, Burlington, VT

Former State Representative Mary Sullivan, Burlington, VT

State Senator Chloe Maxmin, Nobleboro, ME

Jeff Forward, Richmond, VT

Susannah Heschel, Newton, MA


Organizational Endorsements